Picking up from the last entry in the HTML series, this post will jump into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Imagine the process of constructing a house. In this analogy, HTML serves as the building’s structure — the walls, the foundation, and the framework that provide a functional shelter. HTML, much like the blueprint of a house, defines the essential structure of a webpage, outlining its content, headings, paragraphs, and images.
Picking up where part three left off, this post will walk through various types of input forms. Again, this series is meant to document some of my learning, not be a complete reference material. The point of HTML input forms is to provide a means to get data from a user. The type of input form used will vary based on a number of factors and this post will show some possibilities.
Picking up from where part deux left off, this post will talk about links and images in HTML pages. This series is meant to document some of my learning, not be a complete reference material. Links Links are primarily displayed on a page using the a or anchor tag. An example of an absolute link is the below to the Mozilla Developer Network site: <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/">MDN</a> This will display a clickable link on the page that says MDN and goes to https://developer.
I recently decided to start digging into frontend technologies. I started with HTML and poked around a little. This post is picking up where the previous one left off. Ordered Lists Ordered lists are numbered lists. Plain and simple. They are opened using the ol element, and each item in the list is enclosed within a li element. The example below is pretty straightforward. <ol> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ol> Which renders like so in a browser:
This is my first post in a series on learning frontend web development. I’m stoked to be in a position where I can learn these technologies to help me perform my job better. I’m working through Dave Gray’s course on Web Dev for beginners and this post will document some lessons learned around HTML. Learning Objectives: What is HTML, and what’s it for? Read up on the history of HTML Learn the various parts of the current HTML standard Come up to speed on testing methodologies Document anything else fun or interesting in the land of HTML What Is HTML?
I started my career as a network engineer on Wall Street, providing network support for high-frequency trading platforms, amongst other things. It was a fun but demanding job, and I learned a ton. From there, I transitioned to a telco and helped design data centers, specifically around the use of load balancers. I dealt with a lot of load balancers. Load Balancers: best served with ketchup, mustard, and relish. Later in my tenure at the telco, I got some exposure to Kubernetes, sat for and passed the CKA and CKAD certifications, and moved on to a startup defense contractor.
Introduction I explored using Cert-Manager to configure ingress objects in Kubernetes with TLS certificates automatically, and this post documents some lessons learned. A root certificate authority (CA) already exists in my home lab environment outside of a K8s cluster, so I set up an in-cluster instance of Hashicorp Vault to host an intermediate CA and integrate it with Cert-Manager. Prerequisites In case you want to follow along, you will need the following:
Introduction I spent some time trying to get a Hugo site stood up on Vercel and skinned my knees a little. I figured those lessons would make for a good first post. Using the Latest Hugo Version At the time of this writing, the latest Hugo version was v0.115.4. I followed the Hugo quick start guide and installed Hugo and Dart Sass via homebrew. Getting a local site on my Mac stood up took minutes, super easy.